“God’s Fire” Blog Index Page By Topic

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Christian Living

  1. Availability

  2. God Is Our Hub

  3. Holiness, Obedience or Compromise

  4. Are you a pioneer or a settler?

  5. Beware of mob-mentality Christianity

  6. 8 Essential Principles For Overcoming Stress

  7. Sowing and Reaping

  8. Christian Zeal & Faith

  9. We Must Choose To Serve The Lord!

  10. Discouragement – 1 Kings 19:1-18

  11. Back to Egypt or up to Eagle’s Heights? aka Counting the Cost

  12. Where Is Our Christian Spirituality At?

  13. Australians Idolatrous Relationships

  14. Jesus – Lord of the house? Or just one room?

  15. Proclamation – Powerful and Effective

  16. Proclamation (part 2)

  17. The Presence of God – Living Daily with a God Consciousness

  18. Ten Tips for Authentic Christian Living

  19. Wounded (Christian) Soldiers

  20. Wounded (Christian) Soldiers (part 2)

  21. Wounded (Christian) Soldiers (part 3)

  22. Christian Books & DVDs That Have Influenced My Life

  23. Controlling Our Thought Life

  24. Work Out Your Salvation?

  25. What Should We Do With Our Time?

  26. Love, Mercy, And Grace

  27. Exodus 17:8-16 Perseverance In Prayer, Worship, And Obedience

  28. Overcoming Bad Habits

  29. Balancing Being and Doing: Living Life as the People of God


  1. A Sure Foundation

  2. Sunday Morning Christian aka What Constitutes a Sound Life?

  3. 4 Stigmas of the Cross

  4. New Testament Conversion and Discipleship

  5. Sometimes we just need to act!

  6. All Authority

  7. Fear and Reverence God

  8. Awakened To Our Need Of God – Take The World But Give Me Jesus!

  9. There Are No Little People In God’s Kingdom!

  10. Controlling Our Thought Life

  11. Work Out Your Salvation?

  12. Love, Mercy, And Grace


    1. Prayer

    2. What Should We Do With Our Time?

    3. Travailing In Prayer

    4. Exodus 17:8-16 Perseverance In Prayer, Worship, And Obedience

    5. Overcoming Bad Habits

    6. Should Christians Be Praying For Peace? (Part 1)

    7. Should Christians Be Praying For Peace? (Part 2)

    8. Should Christians Be Praying For Peace? (Part 3)

    9. Should Christians Be Praying For Peace? (Part 4)


    1. Grace” and “Repentance”

    2. Evil In The World & The Church

    3. Overcoming Bad Habits


    1. Soft Hearts and Hard Feet

    2. 7 Steps in Sharing the Gospel of Christ

    3. Doug’s Rules Of Fishing

    4. Evangelism Concepts Made Easy

    5. Waking The Dead

    6. Ways To See More Harvest: 6 Core Skills For Evangelism

    7. What Should We Do With Our Time?

    8. Comfort The Afflicted, Afflict The Comfortable


    1. Man – Movement – Machine – Monument – Memory

    2. God’s Warning To Pastors, Ministers, And Church Leaders

    3. Has The Institutionalised Church Become The Great Whore Of Babylon?

    4. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 1)

    5. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 2)

    6. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 3)

    7. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 4)

    8. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 5)

    9. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 6)

    10. Church – What Is It Exactly? (Part 7)

    11. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs

    12. Wounded (Christian) Soldiers

    13. Wounded (Christian) Soldiers (part 2)

    14. Wounded (Christian) Soldiers (part 3)

    15. The Creeds (or statements of faith)


    1. Christianity Is Not a Religion, It’s a Relationship

    2. Don’t be fooled – Christianity and the beliefs of Islam are incompatible!

    3. Christian Reconciliation

    4. Heirs Of God And Co-heirs With Jesus

    5. What does it mean to be a Christian?

    6. Love, Mercy, And Grace

    7. God’s Calling On Our Lives

    God & His Will

    1. Attributes of God

    2. God is Love

    3. God Is God!

    4. The Wrath of God: What Is It?

    5. Love, Mercy, And Grace

    6. Psalm 23 – From Relationship to Eternity

    7. God’s Calling On Our Lives

    8. God’s Love

    Christian Family Relationships

    1. Christian Marriage & Divorce


    1. Judgement

    2. Does the Bible tell us ‘not to judge’?

    3. The Final Judgements


    1. Original Sin

    2. Sin – much more than simply “missing the mark”

    3. Quotes on Sin

    4. Overcoming Bad Habits


    1. Shalom

    2. Rebuilding the Jewish Temple?

    3. Exodus 17:8-16 Perseverance In Prayer, Worship, And Obedience

    The Bible

    1. Bible Translations (part 1)

    2. The Bible – Understanding the Bible (part 2)

    3. The Bible (part 3) Which version (or translation) should we read

    4. The Bible (part 4) The so-called “missing verses”

    5. Psalm 23 – From Relationship to Eternity

    Some distortions (false concepts) that some people have of the Christian Faith

    1. Distortion #1 As a Christian to love someone means that you must accept and like all that they say and do

    2. Distortion #2 To love people means that you accept their chosen lifestyle.

    3. Distortion #3 Because of ‘love and grace’ there is no need to repent of sin or to live obedient and holy lives

    4. Distortion #4 You need to wait until you are good enough, old enough, been a Christian long enough, and learnt enough, before you can be used by God

    5. Distortion #5 A Christian can never get angry about anything – whatever the reason or cause

    6. Distortion #6 A Christian should not speak out against bad/ungodly people, governments, policies or societal evils

    7. Distortion #7 That simply saying the words of a “sinner’s prayer” makes you a Christian

    8. Distortion #8 The false doctrine of ‘once saved, always saved’

    9. Distortion #9 That you can be a ‘lukewarm’ Christian

    10. Distortion #10 That God allows, or even condones, a Christian to get guidance on life issues from Humanistic/Secular Counselling, the Occult, or New Age rather than the Bible

    11. Distortion #11 That murdering of a human life via abortion is justifiable – even though God said that He detested such practices

    12. Distortion #12 That sleeping with someone outside of marriage is okay because ‘everybody does it’ – even though God still sees it as sexual immorality

    13. Distortion #13 That lying and deception (so-called little ‘white’ lies) are okay

    14. Distortion #14 That holiness and obedience are ‘old fashioned concepts’ and because of ‘grace’ we don’t have to be holy or obedient any more

    15. Distortion #15 That Drunkenness and Drugs are okay

    16. Distortion #16 That homosexuality is fine and acceptable because society says so – even though God says it is evil and a sin


    1. 8 Symptoms of False Doctrine

    2. 7 Gospel Truths – and any denial of any one of them is a false and deceptive heresy

    3. The Kingdom of Heaven

    4. Love, Mercy, And Grace

    5. The Creeds (or statements of faith)

    Faith, Hope, Love

    1. Christian Zeal & Faith

    2. Faith

    3. Hope

    4. Is Your Faith “demonic faith”?

    5. Faith? or is it Unbelief? – thoughts on ‘prayer and fasting’

    6. God’s Love

    Holy Spirit

    1. Baptism in the Holy Spirit Bible References

    2. Holy Spirit and Pentecost

    3. The Holy Spirit

    4. Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    5. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (part 2)

    6. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (part 3)

    7. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (part 4)

    8. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (part 5) – Tongues

    9. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (part 6)

    10. Gifts of the Holy Spirit (part 1)

    11. Gifts of the Holy Spirit (part 2)

    12. Gifts of the Holy Spirit (part 3) – More On Tongues

    13. Gifts of the Holy Spirit (part 4) – Misconceptions

    The Bible Book Of Revelation

    1. Understanding The Book Of Revelation Intro

    2. Revelation Chapter One

    3. Revelation Chapter Two

    4. Revelation Chapter Three

    5. Revelation Chapters 1-3 Summary of the Letters To The Churches

    6. Summary of the Book of Revelation And My Personal Beliefs

    7. The Final Judgements


    1. Prophecy given 13th October 1991 – Hear My Spirit and to go with the flow of My Spirit

    2. Prophecy given 2nd January 2012 – The Restoration of the Anointings of “John the Baptist”, “Elijah” and the “5-Fold Ministry”

    3. Prophecy given October 2014 – a great shaking is coming

    4. Prophecy given 28th December 2014 – a famine of hearing the words of the LORD

    5. Are we seeing the rising of the end time false church in our world?

    6. Prophecy given Sunday 3 April 2016 – God is once more raising up Prophets

    7. Prophecy given 24 Sep 2016 – Wake Up Dreamer, A Tsunami of Evil Is Coming!

    8. Australia Day – Australia’s Christian Heritage

    The 5-Fold Ministry Ephesians 4:11-13

    1. 5-Fold Ministry – It Was Jesus Who gave some to be

    2. Apostles

    3. Prophets

    4. Evangelists

    5. Pastors

    6. Teachers

    7. 5-Fold Ministry Qualifications

    End Times

    1. End Times Deception

    2. The Lion and the Lamb – the Personalities of Jesus

    3. The Final Judgements


    1. Our Suffering Saviour – A Physician’s Perspective

    2. It Is Finished

    3. It’s Friday But Sunday’s Comin’

    4. What does it mean to be a Christian?

    5. Work Out Your Salvation?

    6. Lead Us All To The Cross

    7. Comfort The Afflicted, Afflict The Comfortable

    8. God’s Calling On Our Lives


    1. The Lion and the Lamb – the Personalities of Jesus

    2. Some of the Titles and Names of Jesus

    3. Lead Us All To The Cross


    1. Australia Day – Australia’s Christian Heritage


    1. The Blood of Jesus

    2. Our Suffering Saviour – A Physician’s Perspective

    3. It Is Finished

    4. It’s Friday But Sunday’s Comin’

    5. Lead Us All To The Cross

    6. What Is Maundy Thursday?


    1. Christmas – Celebrating The Birth Of Jesus

    2. Putting Christ Back Into Christmas

    3. Christmas – the celebration of the birth of Jesus our Saviour

    4. Christmas – Jesus the Messiah, King of kings, Lord of lords


    1. Comfort The Afflicted, Afflict The Comfortable


    1. Forgiveness

    2. Forgiveness (part 2)

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