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Christmas, to me, is a time to remember the birth of Jesus – my Saviour and Lord – and to worship and adore Him.

I don’t worship presents, I don’t worship a man in a red suit, I don’t worship trees and decorations – I worship Jesus.

However, we would have to be blind not to see that celebrating the birth of Jesus is being hijacked.

Shops have turned Christmas into a commercial profit-making enterprise.

When it comes to Christmas shopping, personally I like the approach of this song by Carrie Rinderer “Say Merry Christmas”: (link opens in a new browser tab)


“I believe in Christmas…I believe it’s true

I believe our Saviour…was sent here for me and you…

If you…believe in Jesus…join…us in this song

Keep saying Merry Christmas…keep that spirit all year long


If…you…don’t see Merry Christmas in the window

No! You don’t go in that store. (don’t go in)

If you don’t see Merry Christmas in the window (window)

Yes! You walk right by that door (right by that door)

Oh…it’s all about the little baby Jesus (Jesus)…and my Saviour’s day of birth (Saviour’s birth)

It’s the one and only reason that we celebrate the season

Wishing love to all and peace upon the earth


If you don’t hear Merry Christmas…when they greet you (greet you)

When you’re walking through their store (don’t go in)

Simply turn and say – it’s very nice to meet you

As you walk right out that door (right out that door)

Words are chosen every year to hide its Christmas (Christmas),

The reason for our hol-i-day (holiday)

They’re not happy what we’re singin’, But they want their tills a’ringin’

Tryna’ sell my Christmas…every other way

Come and stand out from the crowd, Say Merry Christmas and be proud

Christmas…isn’t… just another Holiday


What would be missing….now let’s see

If not for Christ’s nativity…

No Silent Night or first Noels

No Santa’s sleigh or Jingle Bells

No star atop the Christmas tree

No special day for fam-il-y

No bells that ring…for angels wings

No dolls and trains that Santa brings

No Drummer boys or tiny Tim

No Mr. Scrooge…we all know him

No list of who’s been good or bad

Well?…maybe that won’t be too sad!

No candy canes or mistletoe

No Christmas lights out in the snow

No stockings hung with so much care

Hoping Santa finds them there

And one more thing there wouldn’t be….

no-ooo part-ridge in a pear——-

—–Rump a Bum…Bum………………..

If…you…don’t see Merry Christmas in the window

No! you don’t go in that store

If you don’t see Merry Christmas in the window

Yes! You walk right by that door.

If you don’t believe the reasons for my Christmas…then it’s sure ok with me

Please don’t tell me what to say or what music I can play

After all my Christmas is my Special Day!

Come and stand out from the crowd,

Say Merry Christmas and be proud

Christmas…isn’t…just another Holiday”


Many shops, and city councils and other government authorities have even gone as far as removing all mention of the birth of Jesus, and even removing words and advertising like “Merry Christmas”.

Many now only make a statement like “happy holidays”. Some, like the Australian Stonnington City Council, just advertise “Make Merry”.

“Stonnington City Council, in the city’s inner east, has decorated the community with signs saying “Make Merry” as opposed to the traditional “Merry Christmas” in a bid to be more inclusive.”

As far as the actual date for celebrating Christmas goes several reputable contemporary scholars (Stark. R. 2008; Talley,T. J 1991) have maintained the myth of the pagan origins of Christmas is highly questionable.

Prof. W Tigue summarises:

“Many Christians think that Christians celebrate Christ’s birth on December 25th because the church fathers appropriated the date of a pagan festival.

Almost no one minds, except for a few groups on the fringes of American Evangelicalism, who seem to think that this makes Christmas itself a pagan festival.

But it is perhaps interesting to know that the choice of December 25th is the result of attempts among the earliest Christians to figure out the date of Jesus’ birth based on calendrical calculations that had nothing to do with pagan festivals.

Rather, the pagan festival of the ‘Birth of the Unconquered Son’ instituted by the Roman Emperor Aurelian on 25 December 274, was almost certainly an attempt to create a pagan alternative to a date that was already of some significance to Roman Christians.

Thus the ‘pagan origins of Christmas’ is a myth without historical substance.”

So, if some (supposed) Christian legalistic Pharisaic people don’t want to worship Jesus on the 25th December then that is their business.

But as for myself and other Christians we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour and think upon Him – not anything pagan at all.

So, to the others I would say: stop your abuse of those who worship the King and instead get out and lead people to Christ instead!

I will leave the closing words with these two quotes from Christian Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke:

“The Christmas Day-date does not matter, or the Gospels would have told us. The heathens made some days very special for their heroes, festivals and gods. But the coming of Christ has obliterated all such glory and remembrance. Every day is His. If any day has been marked for any other, He hallows it, even the most notorious. The name of Jesus has overcome all such calendar pollutions. Merry Christmas.” – Reinhard Bonnke

“This is what Christmas means: No more beating on closed doors, but an open heaven, angels ascending and descending freely, our prayers reaching the throne of God unhindered, and the Holy Spirit constantly pouring upon us like sunshine from a cloudless sky. God is with us – “Immanuel.” Merry Christmas. – Reinhard Bonnke

“Silent Night” sung by Kelly Clarkson, Trisha Yearwood, and Reba McEntire

Always remember that “Jesus is The reason for the season“.

Merry Christmas to one and all ❤️ ✝️


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