Are we seeing the rising of the end time false church in our world? Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest

I was asked: “do I think we are seeing the rising of the end time false church in our world?”

My reply was “yes”.

My reply in full:

“I am convinced of it.

I think that the ‘false church’ or ‘one world religion’ will be some inter-meshing of apostate so-called “Christian” churches following and believing ‘false doctrines and teaching’ – and who because of their ‘seeker-sensitivities’ and ‘interfaith’ beliefs will welcome Islam and other religions. And any ‘one world religion’ become a mix of that.

I am convinced that we are about to see a massive revival and during it, or because of it, or ‘hot on its heels’ after it, will come great persecution (great tribulation) the likes of which true Christians in western counties have never before experienced.

Places like parts of India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Africa, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, China, etc are already experiencing this facing attacks and persecutions from Muslims.

As I said we are seeing the start of the ‘false/apostate church’ now.

Several things mark this:

  1. The rise of so-called ‘seeker-sensitive’ churches (which is just another way of saying that we should not making anyone feel uncomfortable in their sin). John the Baptist, Jesus, and the early Church preached ‘repentance’, not falsely allowing people to stay in their sins.
  2. Churches/ministers/ministries preaching and teaching false prosperity doctrines.
  3. Idolatry both within the Church and without.
  4. The false teaching of ‘not judging’ – we are explicitly instructed in the Bible to judge and to ‘test the spirits’, and that false teachers/preachers/apostles would be in this world scratching the ‘itching ears’ of those who want to hear such comfortable lies.”

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