Gifts of the Holy Spirit (part 3) – More On Tongues Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest

Probably no other of “gifts of the Holy Spirit” is as divisive as tongues.

In fact, the topic of “tongues” has split churches and caused theological fights amongst Christians.

And sadly, in most cases, it is either due to puffed-up pride, or complete Scriptural misunderstanding and bad theology.

As I have mentioned before, the “gifts of the Holy Spirit” are gifts – given by God the Holy Spirit – so there is no room for pride.

As far as misunderstanding goes, some people incorrectly think that in 1 Corinthians 14 where the Apostle Paul was actually forbidding the use of tongues in church without interpretation, he was also forbidding the use of tongues altogether.

But Paul doesn’t say that.

In fact, he states very clearly “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you.” (1 Corinthians 14:18)

You see there is a difference between the use of tongues with interpretation of tongues in church; versus tongues as a heavenly language used privately in prayer.

Rather what Paul is saying is that no-one should speak out loud in tongues in a church service or fellowship meeting unless there is also an interpretation in the language of the listeners – English for us.

You see some Corinthians were interrupting worship services by calling out loudly in tongues. These people were being disruptive.

Not only that, but after calling out loudly in tongues, there was no interpretation given. As a consequence, Paul says that people who don’t understand tongues will think crazy people go to this church.

Tongues with Interpretation has a rightful place in church.

Certainly, our private heavenly prayer language of tongues, which are Holy Spirit given utterances, in prayer may be used all the time.

But these are quiet, for use in individual prayer and ministry. 

Baptism in the Holy Spirit and “Tongues the heavenly prayer language”:

Acts 8:4-18 Philip the Evangelist in Samaria

Of the five definitive passages of “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4 ; Acts 8:5-25 ; Acts 9:1-19 (Saul/Paul) ; Acts 10:44-48 ; Acts 19:1-7) three of those passages specifically mention that those who received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues.

Of the two passages that don’t one is Acts 8:4-25. This is the passage of Philip in Samaria.

Yet verses 18 and 19 make it clear that Simon the sorcerer “saw”  (and probably heard) something that convinced him that “the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands” because he offered the Apostles money to buy the same ability.

The other passage is the Apostle Paul in Acts 9:1-19 and remember that he himself later stated: “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you.” (1 Corinthians 14:18)

The heavenly prayer language of tongues is the most common sign that someone has received the “baptism of the Holy Spirit”.

However it is NOT the only sign. Some Christians may go years ministering in other “gifts of the Spirit” before they pray in tongues.

As far as their use in evangelism go, words of knowledge and gifts of healing often go hand in hand.

When people are healed it opens the way to effectively share the Gospel with them.


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