An image of a dove, representing the Holy Spirit, hovering over Australia

Peter Farrar

The links below are to indexes of ‘God’s Fire’ Blog articles. 

‘God’s Fire’ was an evening Pentecostal/Charismatic church service I ran and preached at, and also the name of a my Christian ‘page’ on social media that had around 2,000 page followers. 

Now I run ‘God’s Fire’ as a blog that is a commentary on various Christian topics. 

New articles are posted daily.

Current articles cover: Christian Living, Discipleship, Prayer, Repentance, Evangelism, Church, Christianity, God & His Will, Christian Family Relationships, Judgement, Sin, Israel, The Bible, Some Distortions (false concepts) That Some People Have  Of The Christian Faith, plus more.

Other topics will be added. 

The links below will open up my God’s Fire blog in a new browser tab:

a) To view the God’s Fire blog articles from Newest To Oldest: 

Blog Index From Newest To Oldest


b) To view my God’s Fire blog by topic click this link below for a table of contents of blog articles under their category headings:

 God's Fire Blog Index By Topic

© 2023 code, content, images & design by Peter Farrar

An image of a burning bush and the verse Hebrews 12:29