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For a Christian the greatest resource is of course the Bible, the Word of God.

The following is a list of books and DVDs that have influenced my Christian life.


The Bible
(my preferred versions are the 1984 NIV Study Bible, New Living Testament (NLT), and The Amplified Version (AMP), and I also use The Complete Jewish Study Bible and the Jewish New Testament Commentary by David H. Stern for some research/reference/sermon work)

2000 Years Of Charismatic Christianity – by Eddie L. Hyatt

No Compromise The Life Story Of Keith Green – by Melody Green & David Hazard

Chasing The Dragon – by Jackie Pullinger

Crack In The Wall – by Jackie Pullinger

(and the documentary DVD about Jackie Pullinger’s ministry in Hong Kong called “The Law Of Love”)

Crazy Love – by Francis Chan

Smith Wigglesworth On Healing – by Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth On The Holy Spirit – by Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth On The Power Of Scripture – by Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth Apostle Of Faith – by Stanley Howard Frodsham

Smith Wigglesworth The Secret Of His Power – by Albert Hibbert

The Smith Wigglesworth Standard – by Peter J. Madden

Smith Wigglesworth In Australia & New Zealand – by Col Stringer

Do What Jesus Did – by Robby Dawkins

The Practice Of The Presence Of God – by Brother Lawrence

Signs and Wonders – by Maria Woodworth-Etter

How To Heal The Sick – by Charles & Frances Hunter

Handbook For Healing – by Charles & Frances Hunter

Power Healing – by John Wimber

Practical Healing – by John Wimber

Power Evangelism – by John Wimber

Come Holy Spirit – by David Pytches

Some Said It Thundered – by David Pytches

My Utmost For His Highest – by Oswald Chambers

Mr Jones, Meet The Master – by Peter Marshall

How To Experience Revival – by Charles G. Finney

Holiness – by J. C. Ryle

The Pursuit Of God – by A. W. Tozer

Holiness, Truth, And The Presence Of God – by Francis Frangipane

Why Revival Tarries – by Leonard Ravenhill

I have also read many Charles Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, and Leonard Ravehill books.


“The Law Of Love” – the documentary DVD about Jackie Pullinger’s ministry in Hong Kong. I have used this film a lot in many Christian “Homeless Youth Street Youth Worker” courses I have ran.

The Darren Wilson “Wunderlust” series of DVDs:

Finger Of God

Furious Love (I would also use this film in future Christian “Homeless Youth Street Youth Worker” courses I may run)

Father Of Lights

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost Reborn

Francis Chan’s “Basic” discipleship series of seven DVDs:

Fear God

Follow Jesus

Holy Spirit





The other great influence was undertaking the Victorious Ministry Through Christ (VMTC) prayer counselling training (deliverance ministry training) developed by Anne S White.

It is a simple and disciplined method that brings together many of the ordinary biblical ministries to an individual. It is open to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit (ref 1 Corinthians ch 12). It is a ministry of cleansing from sin, healing, deliverance and empowering by the Holy Spirit. It is not some new psychological method.


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