Prophecy given October 2014 – a great shaking is coming Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest

“Much of what is passing for Christian teaching/preaching at the moment is in fact far from the truth of the Gospel.

A great shaking is coming.

God is going to use a sieve and only the pure gold of the Gospel will be left – the dirt of false preaching/teaching (the flesh and the deception and the false doctrines) will fall to the ground like dust.

There will of course always be deceptive teaching/preaching but God’s anointing will not be upon it.

God is once more raising up His Prophets who will reveal such deception and call His Church, His Bride to account – to repent and return to their First Love.”

Take hold of this and understand that God has not called you to ‘fit in’ – rather He has called you to ‘stand out’ and ‘stand up’ for Him and His Word.

Be bold. Be different. Go in the power of His victory. ”

Peter Farrar


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