Prophecy given 24 Sep 2016 – Wake Up Dreamer, A Tsunami of Evil Is Coming! Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest

During the course of the last decade or so we have seen the exponential speeding up of terrible evil in so many ways.

This evil is going to continue exponentially speeding up until it becomes a flood – a tsunami.

One definition of a tsunami is “the arrival or occurrence of something in overwhelming quantities or amounts”.

In 2016 over the course of a few weeks I have had a sense that God was developing ‘a word’ in my spirit.

On the 24 Sep 2016 in prayer at our fellowship-discipleship meeting God spoke of a ‘tsunami of evil’ that was coming soon.

This is that word:

“Wake Up Dreamer, A Tsunami of Evil Is Coming!

The time is fast approaching where a tsunami of evil is about to sweep over our nations.

The gulf, the distinction, between good and evil will be plain to all.

It will be as distinct and clear to people as black is from white, as the darkest night is from the brightest of days.

The sheer amount and depravity of evil and sin will stand in stark contrast to the goodness and purity of the true disciples of our Lord Jesus.

While the people who are wallowing in, and rejoicing in, their evil ways might not even recognise their ways as sinful and evil – none-the-less they will clearly recognise the purity, love, and the difference in the lives of Christians – and they will hate Christians for it.

Because of this hatred of what is good and right, severe persecution of Christians will be a major part of this coming tsunami.”

This tsunami may come in the form of persecution, torture and murder of Christians by Muslims.

And it may also be in the form of blatant discrimination against Christians by their governments or a ‘one world government’.

And it may also be in the form of blatant discrimination against Christians by retailers and food suppliers.

It may also be because Christians have not taken on the mark of the beast – whether that be a literal mark (tattoo?/chip?) or an internal mark of a heart of evil (stone) – compared to the Christian’s heart for God where God has written His laws on our hearts of flesh. (Revelation 13:17; Ezekiel 11:19-20; 36:26-28; Revelation 7:3)

Whatever forms it takes on, it is coming!

And Christians need to be on guard against false prophets and deceptive teachers that would prophecy ‘peace and prosperity’ when there is none. (Jeremiah 6:13-14 ; 14:14 ; 23:16-22 ; 23:30-32 ; Micah 2:11)

As Christians we need to pray for wisdom, discernment and understanding.

We need to be so in the Presence of God that our daily lives from minute to minute; hour-to-hour, and day-to-day are led by the Holy Spirit.

As Christians we need to be like the men of Issachar* who understood the signs of the time and who knew the best course to take.

It is time to get deadly serious – because deadly times are coming.

It is time to get completely serious in our relationship with God.

To be completely 100% committed to God and His will for our lives.

To live in complete obedience and holiness.

It is time to awake from our slumber and get to the serious work of intercession and the great commission.

It is time to get on with what God wants us to do, to be busy for the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ (Revelation 11:15), and to (figuratively) get a little dirt on our hands.

And above all – it is time to grow in love…. love for God and love for others…. particularly other Christians.

* “From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.” (1 Chronicles 12:32)

Please note:

According to the word of the Lord above when I speak of “Christians” I am speaking of genuine disciples of our Lord Jesus – those who will be true and faithful even unto death.

I am not including those who would simply use the name “Christian” while playing at religious observances and who would gladly give up their beliefs to save themselves from persecution or death.

Peter Farrar


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