Revelation Chapters 1-3 Summary of the Letters To The Churches Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest

Right throughout the history of the Christian church there has been, in every age, some churches that have tolerated various things that go against God’s Word and against genuine Christian faith and belief.

The messages to the seven churches have shown their truths to every generation throughout church history.

Some churches, like the church of Ephesus, are in danger of losing their Christian identity and forsaking their first love and Christian zeal.

Some churches, like the church of Smyrna, are doing okay but need reminding not to become complacent.

Some churches, like the church of Pergamum, tolerate compromise with the world and society, and have members who want to practice idolatry while remaining in the church. (Freemasonry, New Age teachings, crystal healing, and “spiritualism”, etc, are some examples of that idolatry.)

Some churches, like the church of Thyatira, tolerate pagan practices and esteem “traditions” above the Bible.

This watering down of the purity of God’s Word leads to an acceptance of false teachings that are contrary to the Bible.

Some churches, like the church of Sardis, are dead to the Holy Spirit; there may be a few faithful people remaining, but by and large their churches are spiritually dead.

On the 13th October 1991 God gave me a prophecy, one that I have preached many times since so there are ample audio and written records of it:

“My people, I call you to a new fear and reverence of Me – I call you to hear My Spirit and to go with the flow of My spirit – for if you do not, I will take My Spirit from you.”

And over the last 32 years since God gave me that prophecy to preach, I have witnessed that happen, (God withdrawing His Spirit), to some who called themselves “Christian” and even to some entire churches within denominations.

Some churches, like the church of Philadelphia, are praised for being faithful to God and His Word. They may appear small, or weak, but in fact they are alive and powerful, they persevere and do not deny the Gospel of Jesus in any way.

And some churches, like the church of Laodicea, have basically lost all identity of being called and recognised, as a “Christian church”.

In their futile search for prosperity and self-sufficiency they have lost their love, their faithfulness and their personal relationship with Jesus.

The very things (along with salvation) that are central to the identity of being called a “Christian church”.

They are in danger of also having the Holy Spirit removed from the church and of having Jesus spit/vomit them out of His mouth because of their denial of Him by their actions.

And Jesus has told us Himself: “Everyone who acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before My Father in heaven. But whoever disowns Me before others, I will disown before My Father in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32-33)

Understand that some churches may fall into just one category of the letters to the seven churches, while other churches may have in their midst several, or even most categories of behaviour warned against in these letters.

So the things we must always be on the look out for, and deal with, as Christians and churches are:

* pride, self-sufficiency  (doing things in our own strength rather than relying upon God and the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit), failure to use spiritual discernment, and idolatry.

* We are to hate the evil deeds of the Nicolaitans, just as Jesus does, we are not to tolerate “secret mystical teachings or knowledge”, we are not to tolerate or accept false teaching or heresies, nor are we to add to, or subtract from God’s Word, the Bible.

* And we are not to tolerate the spirit of Jezebel – we are not to approve, or condone, or make excuses for sexual sin and promiscuity, nor are we to join in pagan practices and compromises with the world, with society.

* Don’t tolerate those that lead you away from the Truth, only Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

* We are also told not to tolerate evil people, and we are to test everything by God’s Word.

* And definitely, do not ever forsake our first love.

* And don’t let your reputation of being alive overshadow your spiritual sense of what is right and what is wrong.

* We are encouraged to work hard, that is, to work hard for the Kingdom of God; and we are encouraged to remain faithful, patiently endure, to persevere knowing that Jesus will return and our rewards will come.

* And we must, as Jesus said, have ears to listen, and hear, and understand, what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches, including our own particular church.

For anyone interested there is a full commentary on the whole Book of Revelation, in Microsoft Word format, available for download on the “Teaching Series” page of my ministry web site.


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