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Pioneer: A person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area. Verb: Develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity)

Settler: A person who settles in an area, part of a community

I have always been a pioneer, a visionary, a facilitator. I see a big picture, (sometimes when no-one else is even looking for it), and then break it down to little manageable chunks to make it happen. At my ordination as a CLCI minister 30 years ago it was prophesied that I would often “be first through the door” – leading forth into new things. I dislike being a “settler” – there is always new territory to be scouted and won.

Pioneers “like their space” and may not have lots of people in their close circle of friends – and then mainly other like-minded “pioneers”. It is often lonely as a scout, as a “pioneer” – because when you are “first through the door” – you often find that apart from Jesus no-one else is there.

We should never force “pioneers” to become “settlers” otherwise nothing new will happen.

But newly won territory then needs settlers otherwise it quickly returns to wasteland.

Likewise we should never force “settlers” to become “pioneers” it is to scary for them and we would overwhelm and loose them.

“Settlers” like to have a community of others around them. “Settlers” make settlements, they make communities grow.

The above applies in many ways to various Christian things, including Church membership and ministry. Some people believe that they were born into, or led into, a Church and that is where they should stay until the day they die.

Others know they are only there for a season and have no doubt that God will lead them to other things, other ministries or Churches in the future.

Likewise effective ministries are often started by “pioneers” – but then grow through the work of “settlers”.

Apostles (especially missionaries), Prophets, and Evangelists are often “pioneers”.

We need to stop forcing people into moulds not made for them.


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    Don Bob
