Tag: Lord

  • Lead Us All To The Cross

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest Easter is a perfect time to once again pause and remember the immeasurable love of God that allowed His Son Jesus to be crucified for…

  • Exodus 17:8-16 Perseverance In Prayer, Worship, And Obedience

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest I find this an interesting passage on many levels: “While the people of Israel were still at Rephidim, the warriors of Amalek attacked them. Moses…

  • Jesus – Lord of the house? Or just one room?

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest A genuine Christian not only accepts Jesus into their life, a genuine Christian seeks to give Jesus total control of their life. In other words…

  • Christmas – the celebration of the birth of Jesus our Saviour

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest There are several days on the Christian calendar that are important days of celebration. Good Friday where Jesus took upon Himself all our sins. “And…