Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Comfort The Afflicted, Afflict The Comfortable

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest It is said that good evangelical preaching will “comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable”. And it is true. Because it is the essence of the…

  • The Creeds (or statements of faith)

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest The two most common Creeds are the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed. Both are regularly used in church services – particularly in ‘traditional’ denominations.…

  • What Is Maundy Thursday?

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest Maundy Thursday is the Thursday of Passion Week, one day before Good Friday, (the Friday before Easter), and it commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper…

  • Lead Us All To The Cross

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest Easter is a perfect time to once again pause and remember the immeasurable love of God that allowed His Son Jesus to be crucified for…

  • Exodus 17:8-16 Perseverance In Prayer, Worship, And Obedience

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest I find this an interesting passage on many levels: “While the people of Israel were still at Rephidim, the warriors of Amalek attacked them. Moses…

  • Psalm 23 – From Relationship to Eternity

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest Psalm 23 – From Relationship to Eternity and Everything In Between The 23rd Psalm assures us of God’s constant care for us and is backed…

  • Love, Mercy, And Grace

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest In Ephesians 2 verses 4 and 5 the Apostle Paul reminds us of three of God’s attributes that He displays towards humanity. Those particular three…

  • What Should We Do With Our Time?

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest As humans we really do have an extremely limited understanding of time in relation to eternity. “You saw me before I was born. Every day…

  • Work Out Your Salvation?

    peterfarrar.com Home | Seminars | Preaching | Teaching Series | About Pastor Peter | Contact Pastor Peter | God’s Fire Blog Index By Topic | Blog Index From Newest To Oldest “So then, my dear ones, just as you have always obeyed [my instructions with enthusiasm], not only in my presence, but now much more in…

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